Most of the time we only think about our daily work depending on what we do either academic research, teaching or applied engineering. Insufficient time is given to thinking about the future of engineering and society, especially products and services that will make not only our lives richer, but that of humanity. Every few months a new product is released that allows us greater access to content, namely wireless technology using hand-held devices. What about larger systems of systems and the infrastructure to support them? Engineers in the future must provide significant impact by minimizing worldwide energy consumption while developing new products. One of the most important engineering challenges in the future lies in energy creation, distribution and utilization. There is a voracious appetite for electricity required for survival in a complex, interdisciplinary and multicultural world. Different cultures view advances in electrical engineering with either awe such as those in third world countries, or with a shrug as if, so what’s new, does it make my life easier and more fun, and can I afford it? We must ensure that there is sufficient electrical power to sustain life on this planet and the need to conserve this precious resource through advances in system design using sound engineering principles. This is best achieved by designing circuits, systems, and power supplies that manage electrical networks in an efficient and cost effective manner on a large scale. If we do not perform due diligence as EMC engineers, we could be a contributor to a potential shortage of electrical power since we are able to produce only so much electricity. Without new power energy efficient plants coming online that are environmentally safe and renewable, where are we going to get the electricity to sustain our life style and the ability to recharge our hand-held products, not to mention the lights in our house, our entertainment systems and appliances and everything else that uses electricity? Electrical supply and demand is a challenge for all engineers to think about not only today, but for our future.
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