Welcome to Montrose Compliance Services. Here one will find lots of information and insight related to applied EMC engineering, mostly with a view toward understanding concepts and design techniques using a non-traditional approach that has been proven to not only be unique, but elegant.
The company’s tagline is “EMC Made Simple” along with the derivatives of “EMI Made Simple” and “Maxwell Made Simple“, all registered trademarks of Montrose Compliance Services. We believe EMC education and training, as it applies to both printed circuit board and system level design, should be easy to understand without the need for extensive computational analysis.
It is possible to simplify the field of electromagnetic in a manner that helps one solve a an EMC problem, either emissions or immunity, in minutes instead of day by understanding what Maxwell tells us, and not by using the trail-and-error approach hoping to find success when an EMI issue develops. Details on low-cost professional services are found on this site.
Feel free to post questions or comments on any aspect of regulatory compliance; product safety engineering or electromagnetic compatibility design, test and certification. You can also email me privately at [email protected]
Mark Montrose
Principle Consultant
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